Life, the Universe, and (Almost) Everything

Okay, so not really...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Umm, Hi?

Hello...I'm Emily. And I'm fifteen. Yeah.

Sooooo...about me, I guess? I probably won't even use this blog much, because I already have a xanga. This was really more of a spur-of-the-moment type thing, honestly. Oh well.

I play the viola in school. I used to play the piano, but stopped about a year or so ago. I'm into music and the arts, but as of fairly recently I've also started becoming more interested in social studies and such. I also write, mostly fiction and poetry, and I have a fictionpress account. Fanfiction, too, but I haven't been on that one since maybe the beginning of eighth grade or so...and the writing on it sort of sucks. Oh yeah - I'll be going into tenth grade next year.

And that's me, sort of-ish in a nutshell.


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