Life, the Universe, and (Almost) Everything

Okay, so not really...

Friday, July 07, 2006

From some random place in Boston.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just bored, I guess

Hello, world. Well.

bwahahaa, hyperlinking, assuming I got the website right

I'm a little teapot short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh, nuh nuh nuh. Tip me over and pour me out.

I'm done with both Camp Cheerio and DYWC, obviously. I still haven't decided whether or not I want to go back to Cheerio as a CIT or not. It would mean that I probably would miss out on DYWC. If I don't go back to Cheerio, however, I probably will go back to DYWC. As a residential camper next time.

Songs that I really like right now:
Piano man, as always.
American Pie, also liked that one for a fairly long time.
Vincent, by Don McLean.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia, (00h, new one).
Istanbul, but mostly because it's funny and because of the camp cheerio memories it invokes.
And other ones that I can't think of.

I read Inferno, and liked it. I think I'll read Purgatorio and Paradiso next. Even though they probably aren't as interesting as Inferno. I found great amusement in the fact that both Jason and Ulysses (Odysseus) ended up in Hell. Jason in the seventh, and Odysseus in the eighth, I believe. The seventh and eighth circles of hell, that is. Unless I got them mixed up.

Thursday, June 08, 2006's over.

I guess that's it. School has now officially ended, except for the people who have to go in and make up exams that they missed.

And I'm almost sad about it.

I'm always relieved when the summer comes again and we get to leave for a few months without worrying about schoolwork or classes or any of that crap. But now I'm sort of sad about it, because I already know that I'll miss a bunch of people, some of which I might not even get to see next year. As much as I'm glad that some of it is over, school is like a connection to people I might never have seen or even met otherwise. Especially my school, because we all come from different places. And it isn't so much that I miss my friends already, more than I would normally, but just the thought of spending a whole summer without any of them is just...sad. Except that I know I'll see Betty Lou. ♥ She's probably one of my best friends and has been since about...I'm not entirely sure. So I'm glad that I'm at least guaranteed to see her. But still...there are so many other people. And I miss them.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Picture sounds like Picardy Third

Picardy Third is the baroque practice of ending a piece in a minor key signature with a major chord. It was on my orchestra exam today, which wasn't very hard. And everyone checked the list today...I think that Courtney and I are the only ones from our orchestra to get into Chambers Orchestra. Courtney because she's a really good violinist; I had already thought that she might get in. And me because I'm a decent violist, except that I don't think that I would have normally made it if a whole bunch of senior violists hadn't left this year. Still sad about Bianca, though...I wish we were in the same orchestra still. And a several other people too (like Jeff, Roxanne, etc.), but especially Bianca. I hope that I at least see her next year...

And now I will post several pictures on here, in hopes that I can use at least one of them for my profile picture.

...or not. Maybe later.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yes! I got into Chamber Orchestra!

Now I'm just sad because a bunch of my friends are in different ones... And this'll be the first year that I'm not in the same orchestra as Bianca. Because we've been in the same orchestra class since sixth grade. And then Jeff will be in a different one too, and so will Katie. Oh well. At least I get Steven and Tyarn and Courtney. And Kathleen (celloist), too, even though I haven't talked to her in over a year.

Hmm...exams are interesting. Some better than others. I got a 98 (with the 5 points extra credit) on my health exam. Math was...okay, although I had some problems with it. Civics was okay. English wasn't actually very hard. Just reading comprehension and grammar correction. (The grammar was really bad, most of it.)

And tomorrow all I have is orchestra...

That's a cool blog thing. So you should go to it. Except that I don't think anyone actually reads this.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Umm, Hi?

Hello...I'm Emily. And I'm fifteen. Yeah.

Sooooo...about me, I guess? I probably won't even use this blog much, because I already have a xanga. This was really more of a spur-of-the-moment type thing, honestly. Oh well.

I play the viola in school. I used to play the piano, but stopped about a year or so ago. I'm into music and the arts, but as of fairly recently I've also started becoming more interested in social studies and such. I also write, mostly fiction and poetry, and I have a fictionpress account. Fanfiction, too, but I haven't been on that one since maybe the beginning of eighth grade or so...and the writing on it sort of sucks. Oh yeah - I'll be going into tenth grade next year.

And that's me, sort of-ish in a nutshell.